Samuel Adams Honey Porter (12 fl. oz.; $1.99), from Boston. Ruddy dark brown with a thick tan head; honey overtones, apparent amid the smoky malt aroma, come on stronger in the mouth and linger stickily.
Post Road Pumpkin Ale (12 fl. oz.; $2.19), from the Brooklyn Brewery. Bright orange with a yellowed tan head; fresh pumpkin aroma and flavor mellowed with malt; round mouthfeel, though lacking finish.
Blue Star wheat beer (12 fl. oz.; $1.99), from Mendocino, California. Murky but well-saturated orange-yellow with a thick white head, onto which I dribbled the yeast that clung to the bottle. Gently rounded malty aroma; flavor is somewhat citric; fuzzy mouthfeel.
Magic Hat Jinx ale (12 fl. oz.; $1.99), from Burlington, Vermont. Orange-tinged brown with a tan head; woodsy-nutty aroma; toasty malt flavor is very round at the front, but doesn't quite finish. Strike that; headiness piles on toward the bottom of the mug.
Baron's lager and Baron's Black Wattle Superior (12 fl. oz.; $1.99 each), from Australia. The lager is deep amber with a scant white head; it has a malty-orange aroma and a smooth, round, and malty flavor, but it lacks sufficient bite from the hops. Its brandmate, prepared with "roasted barley and wheat, subtle hopping, [and] an infusion of Australian wattle seed," is orange-brown with a creamy parchment-colored head. Roasted malt aroma and flavor; creamy, slightly effervescent mouthfeel, though little finish.
White stilton with blueberries or with lemon peel (each $5.99 per pound, on sale). Cream-colored; firm (though the lemon is somewhat crumbly); pleasantly tart aromas; blueberry tastes sour, while lemon comes on sweet.
English shropshire blue cheese ($9.99 per pound). Orange-tan with prominent blue veins; semi-firm, smooth; aggressive, acrid aroma, biting taste.
English stilton blue ($12.99 per pound). Cream-colored with prominent blue veins; crumbly; acrid blue-cheese aroma and taste.
Blue d'auvergne ($14.99 per pound). Parchment-colored with prominent blue veins; semisoft and creamy; pungent, even a little earthy, with only the smallest acrid taste at the back of the mouth.
Point Reyes blue cheese ($14.99 per pound). White with few visible hints of veining; sliceable, though will crumble given the chance; fresh creamy aroma with pungent undertones; slightly sour, uncomplicated taste.
French Roquefort ($21.99 per pound). White with prominent blue veins; soft bordering on runny; pungent, almost floridly so. Couldn't manage more than a few nibbles; for a cheese this extravagant, I'd probably do better with a guide.
West Side Market
2840 Broadway (at 110th St.)
(one of several locations)