I can't be precise, because I discarded a cup or two before determining to show off my stack, I returned for seconds of several chilis that deserved another taste, and at least one entry provided its own edible cup. And in the scrum you'd imagine for an all-you-can-eat tasting (for $5!), I didn't attempt to document every chili in photos. (I'm reasonably confident, though, that the chili "I didn't expect" immediately follows its handwritten label.) Of the winning chilis reported on by NJ.com, my favorite — a modest-looking entry not shown below — was home cook Ryan Caldwell's version, braced with Newcastle Brown Ale. Also shown, at bottom: a further use for those tasting cups, which happily I had no need for.
4th Street Arts Chili Cook-Off
Parlay Studios, 161 2nd St. (at Provost St.), Jersey City