(This venue is closed.) On reading the name "tania logg" in the window of this West Indian storefront, I imagined something shaped like, well, a log. Perhaps it would resemble a conkie. On the contrary, the counterwoman said, it's a porridge, though the spoon she provided was superfluous; my vanilla-scented serving was thin enough to drink straight down.
The namesake corms, swollen underground plant stems that function much like tubers, answer to many names. The owner of New Topps hails from St. Vincent, though a smaller flag of Grenada also flies out front, and tania (also tannia, tannier, taniera) is apparently the favored name in one or both of those island nations. It's more widely known as yautia blanca or malanga blanca — but not eddoe, as I'd written previously. I still don't know about "logg," except that this particular spelling seems to follow that of "Topps"; usually it's "log."
Tania logg, oildown, and curry crab and dumplings are available Friday and Saturday only. Earlier is probably wiser. The roti, suggested the counterman, is a good bet at any time.
New Topps Bakery & Restaurant
8021 Flatlands Ave. (East 80th-East 81st Sts.), Canarsie, Brooklyn