Though its business end has been lopped off in abrupt if not alarming fashion, even an old shovel, repurposed as a door handle, signals this mini-chain's waste not, want not philosophy. Basic meals at Dig Inn consist of a "meat and two" over salad or brown rice, but rather than sprawling over broad plates they're cradled in compostable containers, and not by the pound but in one of two sensibly portioned sizes. A squeeze of lemon did coax out more flavor from roasted chicken, sauteed kale, and roasted brussels sprouts (small, $6.89), but other serving counters will be more enticing when only "extra gravy" will do.
Also shown: the sign, for the time being still in place, of the card-and-gift store that occupied this storefront for 20 years. That name, in turn, gave a nod to the laundromat that did business here before.
Dig Inn
2884 Broadway (112th-113th Sts.), Manhattan
(One of many locations)