Flower Brook features mifen, thin rice noodles served umpteen ways after the fashion of Guizhou, in southwestern China. But on a brisk day I had a taste for northern-style wheat-based "fried sauce noodles," the menu's literal translation of zhajiangmian. Not the specialty of the house, yet nicely kitted out.
Note also the condiments. One, vermilion and oily, seemed to be Guizhou's classic Lao Gan Ma "spicy chili crisp"; the other, pale and dry, suggested a potpourri that was leading a double life. It's a mystery to me.
Flower Brook Mifen House (aka Huaxi Wang)
41-42A Main St. (41st Rd.-Sanford Ave., a stall in the hallway of Friendship Shopping Plaza), Flushing, Queens
Also, as its own storefront, at 4435 Kissena Ave. (at Elder Ave.)