(This venue is closed.) Meal ready to drink: Misutgaru (Mee-suit-Gah-roo), literally "roasted rice powder," is a Korean beverage that also incorporates other grains, beans, sesame seeds, and what-have-you. Mine, blended with water and sugar, had a consistency and bulk that suggested a health-store nutritional supplement. Sometimes (though perhaps not at J.E. Deli and Grocery), misutgaru is prepared with milk and honey. That would make it more of a smoothie, but I think I'd miss the faintly grainy mouthfeel.
The front door of the grocery, which displays the much less common transliteration mishu garu, suggests that it's a summer special. Indeed, in Korea, misutgaru is reportedly most popular in the warmer months. Since that front-door photo was snapped in January, however, at J.E. it's likely that misutgaru is available year-round.
J.E. Deli and Grocery
162-02 Northern Blvd. (162nd-163rd Sts.), Auburndale, Queens